Soon enough, the Stirlings will be on our way to lovely India! Jan 9-Feb 10th 2012.
We are getting ready...mentally. Deciding where to go, what to bring, thinking about what Walker will eat, hoping he is out of diapers before we go, figuring out hotels to stay in (budget or mid-range?), getting Walker a new traveling big-boy back pack. This is some fun stuff!
I have moments of fear--that Jamie will not like it or that Walker lets go of our hand and runs into traffic. That Walker get dehydrated from the poops or that Jamie gets dehydrated from the poops. That Walker will be a pain in the ass in restaurants. That Jamie won't like the food. So much to worry about, but I think it is natural to worry about not being in one's comfort zone. And that is one thing I love about traveling--not being in my comfort zone, but figuring out how to be comfortable anyway.
The one main thing I take with me that helps me feel comfortable is my blankie. My blankie is a cotton covered down blankie, made for use on the sofa. It is small, it folds up even smaller, but it is Oh-So-Warm and delightful. When sad I am away from home, I just cuddle up with my blankie! The other thing I like to have around me are delicious drinks. In India, I particularly like a mango flavored box drink called "Frooti." I hope Jamie and Walker also find these delicious. But of course, I always enjoy a cup of Chai or a sweet and salty lime fizz.
Then there's breakfast/ Breakfast in India is a special thing for me. It is a great way to get used to a new day, and one of the most enjoyable things for me while in India. I particularly like having an egg sandwich, freshly made form a street Chai Wallah. But I also love the Porridge with fruits. This is like oatmeal in the USA, but better. It is grainier, without seeming too overly "healthful" if you get my drift. I think Walker will particularly like this dish for breakfast. I will miss my morning smokes, but I am a changed woman and will not be smoking on this trip!
I am so excited to have Walker with us, as I can't wait to see how this affects our communication and interactions with people. I think he will open many doors for talking to people. Indians are pretty darn chatty as it is, so this should be amazing having Walker around! I hope he likes it!
Also this time I am thinking of bringing some nicer clothes. Nothing fancy, just not as raggy as I have been before. Not that I ever showed myself to be dirty or anything, but perhaps I will make myself up just a tad. I feel that being a mother and a bit older this is only appropriate! Maybe I'll change my mind though. We'll see.
In the meantime, please check out my new website at It is pretty awesome. Next week you can order online. You might even be able to order something now.
Namaste Dosti!