wow, i guess today has been overwhelming with the traveling and all because i forgot to say what happened yesterday and the day before!
wednesday afternoon i got a call from dana moore at penland school of crafts, asking if i was interested in filling in as the metals instructor for fall concentration. this is an 8 week class. i have a lot going on. i said i would be happy to help in some way but that i could not teach the whole time.
dana asked about amy tavern, my studio mate and friend, and i said, well, she's sitting right here next to me! so the 2 of them talked, then amy and i talked, and we figured out that amy would take over the first part of the class, and i will take over the 2nd part of the class. 4 weeks and 4 weeks. wow.
so yesterday we went up and met the class and talked about their expectations and introduced ourselves and whatnot...and now...this fall is set on a different course! how exciting for both amy and me, and i hope exciting for the students! amy and i are both super excited to be able to be up at penland!
i will commute some of my time there, so i can come home and be with jamie. i also have a lot of other work to get done during that time as well, for 3rd Ward Jewelry in Milwaukee and for DeNovo in Palo Alto. not to mention working on my new book!
so, in a couple of weeks i will get to be part of my 2nd fall concentration as an instructor at penland! yee-haw! penland has been such a great place for me, and i look forward to the peace it brings. i think amy and i will make a great teaching team!